Dental Emergencies in Fayetteville, AR

Dental Emergencies Fayetteville AR | Dental Emergencies 72703Dental emergencies can cause a lot of stress and often occur at the most inconvenient times. We do our best to help you prevent dental emergencies with proactive preventive care, exams, and treatments. We also know that despite our best efforts, dental emergencies sometimes happen. 

When you experience a dental emergency, we are here to help! Be sure to contact our office right away if you start to experience pain because we try very hard to schedule most dental emergencies on the same day so that you can avoid any unnecessary pain. 

The best time to call us is before your pain worsens. In general, any time you experience moderate to severe dental pain, it is your body’s way of asking you to pay attention. 

What Is a Dental Emergency? 

It is important to remember that if a dental emergency involves a head injury, back injury, broken bones, or bleeding that will not stop, you should call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room for treatment. Your other conditions may be more severe than your dental conditions.

Letting a dental emergency go untreated for too long could result in tooth loss, serious infection, bone loss, and even put your overall health at risk. Call us right away if you experience the following symptoms or problems:

  • Pain in your tooth or gums
  • Swelling of your face or gums
  • Broken or cracked tooth
  • Broken or lost filling
  • Broken or lost crown
  • Bleeding gums
  • A loose or knocked out permanent tooth
  • Broken jaw

Your Emergency Dental Visit

If your emergency is after hours, call our emergency phone number and your call will be returned as soon as possible. When you call our office, we will help you to assess the situation and determine if you need an appointment right away.

When you arrive at our office, we will take an x-ray of the affected area so we can determine the best course of treatment. Our primary goal will be to get you comfortable and to make a diagnosis so that we can plan for treatment. Once Dr. Scott Stephens determines the cause of your emergency, he can discuss the treatment options that will work best for you. 

We are your partners in oral health, and we will do everything we can to make sure that you receive treatment as soon as possible. Dental emergencies occur infrequently, but when they do, you can rest assured that we will make your comfort and health a priority. 

Are You Experiencing a Dental Emergency?

Call our Fayetteville, AR dental office right away if you are experiencing dental pain or a dental emergency. Dr. Scott J. Stephens will help you get back on track to good oral health and wellness.